Gavin & Stacey is an award winning British television comedy series, following the lives of the title characters Gavin (Mathew Horne) and Stacey (Joanna Page), who, before marrying, live on opposite sides of the country, Gavin in Billericay, Essex, and Stacey in Barry Town, Vale of Glamorgan. During the first two series Gavin lives with his parents Mick (Larry Lamb) and Pam (Alison Steadman) but in the third series he has moved, with Stacey, to Barry and lives with Stacey's mum. He has a best friend Neil "Smithy" Smith (James Corden). For most of the episodes Stacey lives in Barry with her mum Gwen (Melanie Walters), with an extended family of Uncle Bryn (Rob Brydon) across the street, and best friend Vanessa Shanessa "Nessa" Jenkins (Ruth Jones), but for a short while during series two she lived with Gavin, Pam and Mick in Essex.