This is a list of episodes from the Japanese animated television series G-Force: Guardians of Space, the second of three English dubs of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. The first 87 of Gatchaman's 105 episodes were adapted for G-Force, save for two episodes (Episode 81, due to violent content and religious undertones, and Episode 86, due to unknown reasons), for a total of 85 dubbed episodes. Episodes 18 and 87 of G-Force were used as pilots for the adaptation, and most notably (and exclusively) featured an extended, original music score (by Dean Andre, the composer of the show's theme song) which completely replaces the original Gatchaman musical score (by Bob Sakuma). The G-Force episode titles are listed in BOLD, in correspondence to the original Gatchaman episode titles, which are listed in italic and in parentheses.
1) The Robot Stegosaur (#1. Gatchaman vs. Turtle King)
2) The Blast at the Bottom of the Sea (#2 The Evil Ghostly Aircraft Carrier)
3) The Strange White Shadow (#3 The Giant Mummy that Calls Storms)
4) The Giant Centipoid (#4 Revenge of the Iron Beast Mechadegon)
5) The Phantom Fleet (#5 Ghost Fleet from Hell)
6) The Micro-Robots (#6 The Great Mini Robot Operation)
7) The Bad Blue Baron (#7 Galactor's Great Airshow)
8) The Secret of the Reef (#8 The Secret of the Crescent Coral Reef)
9) The Sting of the Scorpion (#9 The Devil from the Moon)
10) The Antoid Army (#10 The Great Underground Monster War)
11) The Mighty Blue Hawk (#11 The Mysterious Red Impulse)
12) The Locustoid (#12 The Giant Eating Monster Ibukuron)
13) The Deadly Red Sand (#13 Mystery of the Red Sand)
14) The Rainbow Ray (#14 Fearful Ice-Kander)
15) The Giant Jellyfish Lens (#15 The Frightening Jellyfish Lens)
16) The Regenerating Robot (#16 Mechanica, the Indestructible Machine)
17) The Beetle Booster (#17 Great Insect Operation)
18) The Whale Submarine (Pilot Episode #1) (#18 Revenge! The Whale Operation)
19) The Racing Inferno (#19 Hell's Speed Race)
20) The Mightiest Mole (#20 A Critical Moment for the Science Ninja Team)
21) Race of the Cyborgs (#21 Who is Leader X?)
22) The Fiery Dragon (#22 Firebird vs. Fire Eating Dragon)