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List of Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts

Below is a partial list of Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts (formally, the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce). A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts is entitled to use the post-nominal letters FRSA after their name.

Admission to the Fellowship is by nomination or application (reviewed by an admissions panel). Nominated fellows refer to having been elected to the Fellowship, having demonstrated achievement or potential related to the arts, manufactures and commerce. The RSA Fellowship is an international community of 28,000 (as of 2016) [since its founding in 1754] achievers and influencers from a wide array of backgrounds and professions, who are distinguished by the letters FRSA.

Fellows range from social entrepreneurs to scientists, community leaders to commercial innovators, artists and journalists to architects and engineers, and many more occupations.

Fellows claim fellowship is an award and an honour.

Major physical meetings of Fellows are held at RSA House, an 18th-century property in London. The RSA Fellowship maintains a collaborative online presence through the Fellowship's proprietary social network.

The following have been members of the society historically:

