Felicity is an American drama television series created by J. J. Abrams & Matt Reeves. Abrams and Reeves share executive producer duties with Brian Grazer, Tony Krantz, Jennifer Levin, Ron Howard, John Eisendrath & Laurie McCarthy. It was produced by Touchstone Television (now known as ABC Studios) and Imagine Television. The series first aired on September 29, 1998, and ended on May 22, 2002 after four seasons on The WB.
The series revolves around the fictional college experiences of the title character, Felicity Porter (portrayed by Keri Russell), as she attends the "University of New York" (based on New York University). While Felicity works to sort out her emotions, she continues the basic motions of student life and moves into her dorm. There, she meets the resident advisor Noel Crane (Scott Foley). Eventually, romance ensues, and the relationships among Felicity, Ben, and Noel form the basic dramatic conflicts in the show throughout the series.
A number of other characters appear and play large roles in Felicity's life, including her close-knit group of roommates and friends. A recurring episode opener of the show is a stark camera shot of Felicity sitting in a dormitory room or apartment holding a tape recorder, recalling events in order to make a cassette tape to send to an old friend named Sally Reardon (voiced by Janeane Garofalo). This occasionally provides a method for Felicity to narrate an entire episode. At the end of episodes like this, Felicity is often shown to be listening to a tape that Sally has sent in reply.