Fame is an American musical drama television series which premiered on NBC on January 7, 1982. The series is based on the 1980 film of the same name. In 1983, the series entered syndication, for which it remained until it's conclusion in 1987. Six seasons and 136 episodes have been aired.
The series is available on DVD. Season One was released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment on November 1, 2005 and is now out of print. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment acquired the rights to release the series under license from MGM and released Seasons One & Two in a box set on September 15, 2009. Both releases were made available as individual sets on January 12, 2010 via 20th Century Fox. As of yet, there are have been no plans to release the remaining seasons.
The following are a list of episodes.
Auditions introduce the School of the Arts main characters; oddball Julie Miller, funny Garcy, haughty diva Coco Hernandez, awkward misfit Montgomery McNeil, naïve loudmouth Doris Schwartz, reclusive Bruno Martelli and street smart Leroy Johnson. The teachers are dance instructor Lydia Grant, English teacher Elizabeth Sherwood and music teacher Benjamin Shorofsky.
Songs: "Miles from Here", "Take Me", "Fame", "Red Light"
Lydia's old boyfriend, Robert, offers her a part in a show and teaches Coco a lesson in the process when she applies for the "ethnic actress" part. Danny learns Johnny Carson is expected to dine at Danny's favorite restaurant, so he gets a job there. *The song "I Still Believe In Me", performed by Erica Gimpel and Debbie Allen and co-written by Gary Portnoy (co writer of "Cheers" theme song) was nominated for an Emmy Award for Best Original Song.
Songs: "The Show Must Go On", "I Still Believe In Me"
A school board evaluation involves observing and interviewing students about their priorities. Head inspector Melendez decides a gym is necessary, leading to a cardio contest between football players and the dancers. Leroy's estranged older brother Willard, just released from jail, moves in...bringing a gun, leading to Leroy's arrest while trying to dispose of it.
Songs: "I Can Do Anything Better Than You Can", "Come What May"
The School of the Arts 7th annual benefit has Montgomery running the auditions and show. Coco tries unsuccessfully to get performance shy Bruno to perform at the event, so Mr. Shorofsky changes his student proficiency tests to be performed in front of the class and addresses Bruno's fear. Danny shows bad sportsmanship when he fails to earn a place in the performance while Leroy's academic grades eliminate his performing. At the benefit a brown-out gives elevator trapped Danny and Doris a deeper understanding of each other.