Every Witch Way is an American teen sitcom that premiered on Nickelodeon on January 1, 2014. It is the United States version of Nickelodeon Latin America series Grachi, starring Isabella Castillo. The series tells the story of 14-year-old Emma Alonso that moves to Miami, Florida, with her father, and finds out she's a witch and the most powerful of her generation.
On March 13, 2014, Nickelodeon announced that they had commissioned a second season of Every Witch Way, that aired from July 7, 2014 to August 8, 2014.
On July 31, 2014, Nickelodeon announced a third season, that aired from January 5, 2015 to January 30, 2015.
On February 25, 2015, Nickelodeon announced a fourth season and a spin-off series called W.I.T.s Academy, which premiered on October 5, 2015.
The Principal uses Daniel to trick Emma into coming to the empty theater, where she wants to absorb the Chosen One's (Emma's) power, through Diego. The gang fights the Principal, until Emma thinks if Maddie joined her, they could have enough power to stop the Principal. Maddie agrees to work with Emma, they check the Hex for a spell, and they cast the spell together to send the Principal away for good. After the Principal's defeat, the gang has fun at the Iridium High Anime Dance, where Daniel performs a song he wrote for Emma, Emma then comes up onstage with Daniel, and they finally kiss for the very first time, meaning that they're a couple.
Emma's cloning spell makes her social life go haywire; Maddie asks Lily to help her strengthen her powers.
Phillip is a human now and Emma has side effects from the crystal and starts to feel weak, she can't cast any spells. The gang, including Agamemnon and Desdemona, are taking care of Emma at Daniel's house. Daniel's mom walks in and demands him to tell her what is going on, then Desdemona tries to cast a spell, but her powers must have faded away. Desdemona and Agamemnon realize they both lost their powers. Meanwhile, Daniel wants Emma to be with him and not Jax. Elsewhere, Emma and Mia gets trapped in the zombie video game, then zombies start approaching them, Mia and Emma run for their lives, Emma tries to make a shorter population of them by casting spells. Emma trips and needs Mia's help, but Mia enters a train in the video game, inside she whispers and says, "I finally get to defeat the chosen one, your welcome Dad". Later, after thinking about Emma, Mia finally helps Emma in the train. Jax appears in the game and try to find Emma, Emma sees Jax and hugs him, then Jax tells them both to follow him, but Mia is trying to look for the crystal. The crystal is found, and Emma, Jax, and Mia go back home. At the end, Emma sticks up for herself and says to the Council that she is the Chosen One, she gets to make her own decisions, and that she doesn't need them telling her what to do anymore. Mia then frees Diego from her control, and they all leave except for Emma, Jax, and Daniel. Now, Emma must choose her boyfriend: Jax or Daniel. Emma finally makes the decision, holds one of their hands and, they are transported to the pool, it is revealed that she chose Jax, and they share their romantic second kiss in the pool.