Drake & Josh is an American sitcom that originally aired on Nickelodeon from January 11, 2004, to September 16, 2007. Two TV films, Drake & Josh Go Hollywood and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh, were made apart from the regular series that aired on January 6, 2006 and December 5, 2008 respectively. There are a total of 57 episodes that were produced, spanning four seasons (2004–07). Drake Bell, Josh Peck, and Miranda Cosgrove appeared in all of the episodes.
The Premiere is holding a Hollywood premiere starring Ashley Blake (Skyler Samuels), a child actress. Helen (Frances Callier) tells Drake and Josh to always follow Ashley Blake's orders, and Drake and Josh are forced to become her personal assistants. When she gets knocked out, due to an accident involving a bucket and a door, they have to bring her to the Premiere without making it look like she is unconscious, they then hold her up, talk for her and moves her arms for her.
Drake prepares for a talent show; Josh appears on his dad's weather show only to discover that he has stage fright, which causes him to twitch heavily on TV live. The forecast was unfortunately viewed by many in San Diego and Josh begins to get teased by people. At the talent show, a boy band steals the song Drake was originally going to perform with his band forcing them to improvise. To restore Josh's reputation, Drake offers to let Josh in his talent show audition and perform the song "Soul Man". Helen ran the Belleview Talent Show at the Premiere. Drake, along with a no longer stage frightened Josh wins the contest after performing a great rendition of Soul Man.