Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation that began airing on July 5, 2015 on Fuji TV. It is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years. Storywise, the series retells the events of the last two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F', which themselves follow the events of Dragon Ball Z, before proceeding to tell an original story about the exploration of other universes, the reemergence of Future Trunks and a new threat to his Earth known as Goku Black and a Kaiō-shin from Universe Ten named Zamasu.
The opening theme song is "Chōzetsu☆Dynamic!" (超絶☆ダイナミック!, "Excellent Dynamic!") by Kazuya Yoshii of The Yellow Monkey. The lyrics were penned by Yukinojo Mori who has written numerous songs for the Dragon Ball series. The first ending theme song for episodes 1 to 12 is "Hello Hello Hello" (ハローハローハロー Harō Harō Harō) by Japanese rock band Good Morning America. The second ending theme song for episodes 13 to 25 is "Starring Star" (スターリングスター Sutāringu Sutā) by Key Talk. The third ending theme song for episodes 26 to 36 is "Usubeni" (薄紅, "Light Pink") by Lacco Tower. The fourth ending theme song for episodes 37 to 49 is "Forever Dreaming" by Czecho No Republic. The fifth ending theme song for episodes 50 to 59 is "Yokayoka Dance" (よかよかダンス Yokayoka Dansu, "It's Fine Dance") by idol group Batten Showjo Tai. The sixth ending theme for episodes 60 to 72 is "Chao Han Music" (炒飯MUSIC Chāhan Myūjikku) by Arukara. The seventh ending theme from episode 73 onwards is "Aku no Tenshi to Seigi no Akuma" ("Evil Angel and Righteous Devil") by THE COLLECTORS.