Dororon Enma-kun is an anime series created by Go Nagai. It features a group known as the Yōkai Patrol who come from Hell in order to hunt demons roaming in the real world. The original anime series was produced by Toei Animation and aired in Japan between October 4, 1973 and March 28, 1974 . The opening theme for the anime was "Dororon Enma-kun" (ドロロンえん魔くん?) and the ending theme was "Be Careful of Ghosts" (妖怪にご用心 Yōkai ni go Yōjin?), both performed by Chika Nakayama. A remake of the anime, titled Dororon Enma-kun MeeraMera, is being produced by Brain's Base and began airing in Japan on April 7, 2011. The opening theme is "Soul Burning at 1,000,000,000,000°C" (魂メラめら一兆℃! Tamashii Mera Mera Icchou℃?), performed by Masaaki Endoh, while the ending theme is "Everyone's Exhausted ZZZ" (みんなくたばるサァサァサァ Minna Kutabura Sasasa?) by Moon Riders feat. yoko.