The Japanese children's manga series Doraemon was written and illustrated by Fujiko Fujio. It was serialized in various children's manga magazines published by Shogakukan. Total of eight-hundred and fifty chapters were collected in tankōbon by Shogakukan under Tentoumusi comics (てんとう虫コミックス) imprint. The first volume was published on July 31, 1974 and the last forty-fifth volume on April 26, 1996. The series is about a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a pre-teen boy called Nobita Nobi (野比 のび太 Nobi Nobita).
The series first appeared in December 1969, when it was published simultaneously in six different magazines. A total of 1,344 stories were created in the original series, which are published by Shogakukan under the Tentōmushi (てんとう虫) manga brand, extending to forty-five volumes. The volumes are collected in the Takaoka Central Library in Toyama, Japan, where Fujiko Fujio was born. In July 2013 it was announced that the manga would be released digitally in English in full-color via the Amazon Kindle e-book service.
The manga is in full-color available in English on Amazon Kindle in North America. As of October 16, 2016 a total of 200 volumes have been released.
The Doraemon manga has been published in English in print by Shogakukan Asia. Unlike the Amazon Kindle releases these volumes are in black and white instead of color.
There have been two series of bilingual, Japanese and English, volumes of Doraemon by SHOGAKUKAN ENGLISH COMICS called "Doraemon: Gadget Cat from the Future", and two audio versions.
Translations of these volumes were published as 英文版哆啦A夢 by 青文出版社 (CHING WIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD.) in Taiwan, in Chinese by Chuang Yi, in Thailand by NED-Comics, in mainland China by 二十一世紀出版社 (21st Century Publishing House), in Hong Kong by 香港青文出版社 and in Vietnam by Kim Dong Publisher as Đôrêmon học tiếng Anh.