Dog with a Blog is an American television sitcom that first aired on Disney Channel from October 12, 2012 to September 25, 2015. It stars G Hannelius, Blake Michael, Francesca Capaldi, Stephen Full, Regan Burns, and Beth Littleford. The series was co-created by Michael B. Kaplan, who also co-created Disney XD's I'm in the Band, in which Hannelius, Full, Burns, and Littleford have all previously starred or appeared.
Over the three seasons of its run, 69 episodes aired.
Avery Jennings and Tyler James are step-siblings who are complete opposites. Ever since their parents, Ellen Jennings and Bennett James, married and moved in together, Avery and Tyler cannot seem to get along. Bennett then adopts a shelter dog in the hopes that it will inspire Avery and Tyler to bond over taking care of him. When the children discover that their supposedly ordinary dog, Stan, has the ability to speak, they must work together in order to keep it a secret from everyone, especially their parents. After Avery and Tyler get into an argument, Stan runs away back into the shelter and the children create a plan to get Stan home.
Avery and her best friend, Lindsay (Kayla Maisonet), are in desperate need of a replacement to be the school mascot to perform at the homecoming game. Stan convinces Avery to let him be the school mascot, but she is worried because the rival team always pulls horrible pranks on the mascots.
After Tyler develops a crush on their new neighbor, Nikki Ortiz (Denyse Tontz), he invites her to walk their dogs together. Tyler enlists Stan to be his wing-man, and to Stan's dismay, he cannot stand Nikki's Pomeranian, Evita, due to her incessant barking.
Stan has been addicted to a game called Realm of the Tower, where he made a new friend, Kilgore (Kevin). When the game-players are gathering at the park, Stan asks Avery to pretend to be him, so he can go and meet Kilgore.
Ellen has never been a dog person and Avery is concerned that she does not bond with Stan, so she decides to obtain a pet of her own, a talking Blue-and-yellow macaw named Lucy, which the family hates.