This is a list of episodes for British comedy drama web series Diary of a Bad Man. The series was created by Humza Arshad and consists of continuous episodes uploaded on his YouTube channel HumzaProductions, revolving around the life of a young man and his relationships with his friends and family.
The episodes were shot in and around South London, filmed using a Sony Handycam HDR-SR12 and edited using iMac Movie.
Humza meets Umar (Mohammed Umar Baig) in the park, Humza attempts to flirt with three girls, but gets assaulted and has his phone and money stolen, and Umar runs away. Humza asks Ameh for £600 for a new phone, only to get wedgied. He then talks about how miserly his parents are.
Humza talks about Pakistanis being stereotypically late and then talks about how he usually spends Eid with his uncles and aunties.
Two days before Eid, Imam Ali Khan catches Humza looking at obscene pictures on his computer and asks Humza to go to a charity event with him, Humza makes excuses and then refuses to go. However, Ameh forces him to go or he will not receive any money for Eid.
Humza reluctantly attends a charity meeting with Umar, Imam Ali Khan and three other men. After Humza and Umar interrupt the meeting, Imam Ali Khan pulls them aside and scolds them. Umar then runs off when one of the other men confronts Humza.
On Eid, Humza is stabbed by Ameh after he throws a snowball at her. He then meets Umar and gets invited to a party by Umar's friend Zebbie who is accompanied by two girls, Humza agrees to come at the request of one of the girls. Humza is confronted by seven male youths who attack him with snowballs.
Humza complains about having diarrhoea and then reveals that his dad bought him a Blackberry phone. He takes Imam Ali Khan advice and goes to get examined by a doctor. After he is told that he is actually at a dental surgery, he requests to have his teeth cleaned instead. Humza tries to flirt with a female dental assistant and he gets slapped by Imam Ali Khan.
Humza and Umar, are confronted by Asif (Asif Hussain) and his friend, who they steal a can of 7Up from. The next day, Asif and his gang attack Humza and Umar in the park, and Humza and Umar drive away in Asif's car. Later, Humza pays a white girl to visit Asif's house and tell Asif's mother that she is pregnant with Asif's child.
Three Months Later... Imam Ali Khan and Humza visit a graveyard to be reminded about death.