Danny Phantom is an American animated television series that ran on Nickelodeon from April 3, 2004 to August 24, 2007. The series follows Danny Fenton who, after an accident with an unpredictable portal between the human world and the supernatural "Ghost Zone", becomes half-ghost and frequently saves his town and the world from ghost attacks, while attempting to keep his ghost half a secret from everyone, except his best friends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, and later, his sister Jazz.
Danny is crushing hugely on the school's most beautiful girl, Paulina. He asks her to go to the big dance with him by giving her an amulet he found, but his ghost abilities keep doing weird things, causing Mr. Lancer to have a parent teacher conference with his dad. Using his newfound ability to "overshadow" or inhabit another's body, he talks his way out of trouble in his dad's body. Problems arise at the dance when it turns out that the amulet he gave Paulina turns anybody angry into a huge ghost dragon.
After the Box Ghost destroys Danny's locker, he's assigned a new one, locker 724. Everyone's afraid of that locker, but Danny doesn't know why. Meanwhile, the bullies in the school are being extra mean, and Danny decides to get some "ghostly getback". It's later revealed that the former owner of his locker, Sidney Pointdexter, was the main bully victim in his time. He punishes Danny for his actions by swapping bodies and dimensions with him, locking Danny in a mirror world of his High School.
Jack brings his entire family to Wisconsin for his college reunion, hosted by his old friend, Vlad Masters. It's strange enough that Danny's finding ghosts on his vacation, but what's even more mysterious is the fact that he finds out three things about Vlad. He hates Jack because he caused an accident at college, and ever since then, he's been trying to steal Maddie away from Jack, and three, the biggest one, the accident that had caused him to acquire ghost abilities as well, and is now Danny's greatest mortal archenemy!
Danny is afraid that his parents are going to get divorced, and accidentally knocks Jack's wedding anniversary gift to Maddie into the Ghost Zone. Danny is determined to get it back, but he is caught by a ghost warden bent on making up rules to retain order in his section of the Ghost Zone. Danny is locked up in the Ghost Zone Prison for 1,000 years alongside many of the ghosts he's fought and sent back to the Ghost Zone. He manages to persuade them to work with him to bust out of the prison. As the other ghosts escape, he turns back into the prison cell to retrieve Jack's anniversary gift to Maddie, in which he finds out that humans can't be hurt by ghosts, because in the Ghost Zone, humans are the ghosts.