This page lists the characters that appear in the Dance in the Vampire Bund manga and anime series created by Nozomu Tamaki.
Vampires can be both born or created from humans. In the former case, 'True Blooded' vampires descended from a progenitor paternal figure continue through the female line, currently represented by Mina. In the latter case, vampirism appears to have an infectious aetiology, possibly a form of retrovirus. Unlike many vampire stories, transformation into a vampire is not a conscious decision but rather is caused by a vampire feeding off of a human. In recent years a "vaccine" has been developed to prevent transformation, but is only effective for up to 48 hours from the time of infection. In all cases a human turned into a vampire who is not cured with the vaccine has a genetically coded mandate to unilaterally and unconditionally obey the person who turned them into vampires. While vampires can be "reprogrammed" using different DNA to allow them to switch allegiances they retain this mandate for absolute obedience, which leaves them entirely at the mercy of the vampire they are currently programmed to obey.
Compared to humans, vampire emotions are significantly more potent, causing many vampires to become violent, gluttonous for blood, and very often sexual deviants, in an effort to satiate those powerful urges; however, there also are vampires – chiefly among them those who were turned against their wills – who instead choose to become "Fangless", pulling their own fangs in order to hold onto their former human values. Such vampires face persecution from both sides, however, human and vampire alike; it is revealed early on that the creation of the Bund was in large part to provide a haven for the Fangless to live peacefully.
All vampires have a 'True Form', which is a physical representation of their innermost self, and is a very similar transformation to that of werewolves. This form can be almost anything, from a giant bat, to a lizard, to a spider, to, in Mina's case, a succubus-like figure. Very few of the vampires in the story have shown their true forms. Similar to other fictional vampires, Dance vampires are considerably more physically powerful than humans in both strength and speed; able to lift heavy objects such as cars as well as overpower and outrun humans with ease. They possess remarkable regenerative abilities to such an extent where they cannot catch common diseases such as the cold and the cells of their bodies remain active even within a part of their body that has been severed; thus, a vampire may reattach a severed limb without so much as a scar. Vampires are also considerably agile, able to leap several feet into the air in a single bound and perform parkour and acrobatic feats with relative ease without tire.