The anime series D.N.Angel is adapted from the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yukiru Sugisaki. Produced by Dentsu and Xebec and directed by Koji Yoshikawa and Nobuyoshi Habara, the series premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo on April 3, 2003. It ran for twenty-six episodes until its conclusion on September 25, 2003.
The series is licensed for release in North American and the United Kingdom by ADV Films, and in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment.
Five pieces of theme music are used in the anime adaptation. The song "White Night -True Light-" (白夜 〜True Light〜? Byakuya -True Light-), by Shunichi Miyamoto, is used for the opening for all twenty six episodes. For the ending theme, "Gentle Afternoon" (やさしい午後? Yasashii Gogo) is used for the first twelve episodes, and "The Day It Begins" (はじまりの日? Hajimari no Hi) is used for episodes 13-23 and episode 25. Both songs are performed by Minawo. Episode 24 uses the song "Caged Bird", by Shunichi Miyamoto, for its ending, while the final episode of the series uses Miyamoto's song "Guidepost" (道標? Michishirube).