The chapters of the Japanese manga D.Gray-man are written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino. They began serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump on May 31, 2004 and are currently serialized in Shueisha's monthly Jump Square manga magazine. The D.Gray-man manga series follows the adventures of Allen Walker, an Exorcist who uses the power of a divine weapon called "Innocence", and his comrades in the Black Order as they fight against the akuma, demons created from human souls by an ancient sorcerer known as the Earl of Millennium, who plans to destroy all of humanity.
Since its premiere, over two hundred chapters, referred to as "nights", have been released in Japan. The series was put on twice due to Hoshino falling ill, but the series continued a few weeks after each incident. In November 2008, Weekly Shōnen Jump announced that Hoshino was again putting the series on hold, due to an injured wrist. Publication resumed on March 9, 2009. The series once again went on hiatus starting May 11. One chapter of the series was published in Akamaru Jump in August 2009 as the series transitioned to serialization in Jump Square, starting on November 4, 2009, but went on hiatus again on December 29, 2012. The manga began serialization again on July 17, 2015 in the quarterly published Jump SQ.Crown.
The individual chapters are published in tankōbon by Shueisha. The first volume was released on October 9, 2004, and as of June 3, 2016, twenty-five volumes have been released. The manga has been adapted into an anime series by TMS Entertainment and Dentsu, premiering on TV Tokyo on October 3, 2006. A sequel, D.Gray-man Hallow, premiered in July 2016.