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List of Curious George episodes

This is a list of episodes from the children's animated series, Curious George. Most episodes are set in either the city or the country. In the city, George lives in an apartment building with The Man in the Yellow Hat and in the country they share a small house near Lake Wanasinklake. This allows George to mirror the experiences of kids who live in an urban environment and those who live in a rural environment. There are exceptions to this - some episodes take place in alternative settings such as an airport or a train station.

"Curious George Flies a Kite": George wakes up on a windy day in the country. His friend Bill introduces him to a kite, which George wants to fly. However, Bill must go home and George cannot play with the kite until he returns. His curiosity gets the best of him and he soon finds himself flying around the countryside, even taking his friend Jumpy Squirrel with him. This is the pilot episode for the series.

Note: Based on the book of the same name.

"Curious George's Home for Pigeons": George has found himself a new friend in the city, Compass. One of the Doorman's homing pigeons which he keeps on the roof of the apartment building. But the only thing is, Compass has a bad sense of direction. So when the Man says George is not allowed to let pigeons inside the apartment, George decides to build Compass a new home on the balcony outside their apartment, eventually deciding on a tree. But soon George finds out building a tree is not as easy as it seems. Where do trees in nature come from if people don't make them?

"Zeroes to Donuts": On a sunny city Saturday, George and the Man decide that it is a good day for donuts and eggs. The Man tells George to write down the number of eggs they have in the refrigerator but George does not write anything because they had none. The Man then realizes that after teaching George everything for so long he forgot to teach him about nothing! He says that zero alone means nothing but when added to smaller numbers makes them bigger. The Man then sends George off to get the donuts with a paper that has an order of 1 Dozen Donuts. But George does not know about a dozen and changes the order to 100 dozen donuts. But after seeing just how many donuts 100 dozen make he tries to do anything to get away with only 1 dozen.

Note: Based on part of the book, Curious George Learns the Alphabet.

"Curious George, Stain Remover": George and The Man have just brought home a new rug. The Man thinks it is so perfect he would like to take a picture of it. But when he runs out to get some camera batteries George decides to have a drink of grape juice and spills it on the rug! George knows how to clean it up, though—a lot of soap and water. But he uses so much he fills up the whole house with suds and water. Luckily he knows about the time his friends The Renkins' basement got flooded and they cleaned it out with a pump. George finds the pump at their house but has no easy way to get it back home.

