This is the list of episodes for Crossing Jordan, an American television crime/drama series that aired on NBC from September 24, 2001 to May 16, 2007. It stars Jill Hennessy as the crime-solving medical examiner, Jordan Cavanaugh. The show uses an ensemble cast approach featuring a group of Jordan's co-workers, members of the Boston Medical Examiner's Office and police detectives assigned to the various cases. It was created by Tim Kring. The title refers to both the name of the main character and the biblical metaphor of the ancient Hebrews crossing the Jordan River, commonly used in spiritual songs to represent death and passage to the afterlife.
When a jet from Las Vegas arrives with a dead man with three million dollars handcuffed to his wrist, Jordan and Woody have to eliminate the chaperones of murder.
When a pair of bodies ends up in the Boston Morgue, one clue will lead to fabulous Las Vegas.