Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated television series created and directed by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. The series ran for 4 seasons from November 12, 1999 to November 22, 2002, with 52 episodes altogether. The pilot episode, "The Chicken from Outer Space", originally debuted on What a Cartoon! in 1996, and in that year was nominated for an Oscar.
Courage and his owners stop at a lonely motel to end their vacation, but it is owned by an nefarious red cat named Katz, who harbors a penchant for feeding his guests to giant spiders.
A cajun orange fox repeatedly tries to kidnap a sleepy Muriel so he can use her in a cajun stew.
Muriel Meets Her Match: A pair of married criminals are on the run and they camp next to the 1962 ranch house, with one of them eventually assuming Muriel's identity, which leads to Muriel being framed and arrested. Courage must then clear Muriel's name.
Campsite of Terror: Courage and his owners go to a campsite for the weekend. Muriel is soon kidnapped by two orphaned lonely raccoons and Courage must save her as well as the raccoons who are trying not to be captured by Eustace, who wants to get a $50,000 reward.
Stormy Weather: A storm goddess mistakes Courage for her own dog, Duncan, and decides to take him, making Muriel furious. However, the goddess's rage causes violent storms to occur. Courage must find Duncan before it is too late.
Hard Drive Courage: The computer develops a virus and it traps Muriel inside. Courage must go into the computer world to bring her back.
Scuba-Scuba Doo: While on a tropical island, Courage and Muriel discover an underwater city made of coral. There, they befriend the citizens. Meanwhile, Eustace informs his mother that there are small creatures living in the coral. She decides that the coral there can make fine wigs, and sets off to destroy the coral city and evict the creatures of their coral for her wig factory.
Katz Under the Sea: Displeased by Eustace, Muriel takes Courage with her and goes on a submarine vacation. They do not realize that it is being run by one of their old enemies, Katz.