Cory in the House is a spin-off of the Disney Channel Original Series, That's So Raven. It aired on the Disney Channel Network from January 12, 2007 to September 12, 2008. A total of 34 episodes were produced, spanning 2 seasons. The show was about a teenager named Cory Baxter who moves from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. with his father Victor Baxter, who gets a job as head chef in the White House.
Cory finds the initials 'C.B.' with a heart around them in Meena's notebook, and assumes she has a crush on him, when it's really on Craig Berkowitz. Meena asks for Cory’s advice on how to get to Craig to ask her out, so they pretend to be a couple. However, Stickler believes they really are a couple and decides to ruin their fake date. Meanwhile, Sophie develops a crush on Newt and invites him over for a tea party.
Absent: John D'Aquino as President Martinez
Title Reference: Everybody Loves Raymond
Newt is forced to run for class president by his parents and then wins.
Cory wants to go with Meena and Newt on a ski trip to South America, but Stickler destroys his ATM card. To earn the money, Cory gives secret tours of the White House, letting people see Sophie, but when Sophie finds out she won't be going skiing, she steals the money and runs off. Meanwhile, Victor is being kept up at night by the President, who has insomnia.
Newt's first act as student president is to institute a "Chill Zone" where students can hang out. Candy Smiles makes a Pep Squad, which Cory joins to impress Meena. Trying to make Meena jealous, Cory accepts Candy's offer to go out on a date.
When Cory is allowed to make dessert for an important White House dinner, things end up in disaster. Meanwhile, Sophie is teased at school since she still has training wheels on her bike, so chef Victor teaches her.
Cory, Newt, and Meena are finally going to perform in front of Meena's father, the ambassador. However, Meena is extremely nervous. Cory gives her a good luck charm, but she thinks it's "cursed".