Community is an American comedy television series which premiered on September 17, 2009, on NBC. The series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television clichés and tropes. After five seasons on NBC, Community moved to Yahoo! Screen for its sixth and final season.
The 5 As of Greendale is a webisode series that appeared before Community's pilot was broadcast. The first six videos are set up as informational videos about enrolling at the fictitious Greendale Community College. The last two serve as in-character outtakes of Dean Isakson (portrayed by the series' creator, Dan Harmon).
The Community College Chronicles are two webisodes that act as Abed Nadir's student films. The webisodes parody events that happen on the main show Community. In the episode "Debate 109", the webisodes were seen by the characters making them believe Abed can see the future. The webisodes also appear on the Greendale Community College's website part of the A/V department's page.
Spanish Videos are two webisodes (plus a trailer) featuring Star-Burns (Dino Stamatopoulos), Abed (Danny Pudi), and Señor Chang (Ken Jeong). Chang assigns the class a video assignment and Abed and Star-Burns make a space epic.
Study Break is a series of three mini-episodes of Community exclusive to Comcast's Xfinity TV and to the season one DVD of Community. The mini-episodes focus on 90 second study breaks during a Spanish study session.
Road to the Emmys are three webisodes about the study group on their way to an Emmy party.
Dean Pelton's Office Hours are three webisodes focusing on Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) solving student problems.
Abed's Master Key are three animated webisodes in which Abed becomes Dean Pelton's assistant and is given a master key to Greendale.
Community Season 4 Premieres... Someday is a short trailer for the fourth season of Community where Troy (Donald Glover) and Abed (Danny Pudi) present their fake morning talk show, Troy & Abed in the Morning, to wish everyone a "Happy October 19th" and to explain why the fourth season premiere has been delayed.