This is the list of episodes for the CBS crime drama television series Close to Home. The series was first shown on October 4, 2005, and was broadcast for two seasons before being cancelled on May 16, 2007. The series follows Annabeth Chase, a deputy prosecutor in Marion County, Indiana, as she balances work with being a new mother.
Season one consisted of 22 episodes and was broadcast between October 2005 and May 2006. After the fifth episode, "Romeo and Juliet Murders", CBS moved Close to Home from Tuesday 10pm to Friday 9pm, commonly called the Friday night death slot. When the show garnered its highest ratings to that point CBS announced that Close to Home would remain on Fridays.
Deputy Prosecutor Annabeth Chase is once again involved in an odd case when she prosecutes two teenagers for the murder of a man they claim was an online sexual predator. Upon further investigation, it is discovered that one of them, a girl, is running a website tricking her friends into playing stripping games on webcams she purchased for them and charging people to view her friends, who were unaware they were being watched. One of the teenagers agrees to testify that they knew the man and that they killed him because he threatened to report her pornographic website to the police and the media.
Season two conisisted of 22 episodes and was broadcast from September 2006 to May 2007. The main cast was changed with the start of the season after Christian Kane, who played Annabeth's husband, left the show because his character was killed by a drunk driver. David James Elliott joined the show as prosecutor James Conlon, replacing Steve Sharpe, who was played by John Carroll Lynch. Jon Seda and Cress Williams joined the cast as investigators Ray Blackwell and Ed Williams respectively.