Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove, it featured the established Disney characters Chip 'n Dale in a new setting. The series premiered on The Disney Channel on March 4, 1989, having aired the first produced episode, "Catteries Not Included", as a special preview on August 27, 1988.
A two-hour movie presentation of "Rescue Rangers: To The Rescue" began airing in syndication the weekend of September 29, 1989. While not produced first, the movie told the story of how the Rescue Rangers met.
The series then began airing in weekday syndication. From that point forward, the movie was broken up into five standard-length episodes that were considered part of season 2. In 1990, it became part of the syndicated programing block The Disney Afternoon. The final episode aired on November 19, 1990. As a part of the Disney Afternoon lineup, reruns of the show were aired until September 3, 1993.
In the fall of 1990, a live-action educational film/video was made entitled The Great Quake Hazard Hunt where Rescue Rangers Chip and Dale, along with their friends, show children how to prepare for earthquakes. (The characters were portrayed by actors in character costumes made for the Disney theme parks and other live appearances.)
In the fall of 1991, another live-action educational film/video was made entitled Rescue Rangers: Fire Safety Adventure where Rescue Rangers Chip and Dale, along with their friends, must foil the plans of Fat Cat as he leaves a trail of fire hazards throughout the fire station and neighboring bank.
The Rangers discover a sunken pirate ship and a huge cargo of gold, along with a crew of rats who have forgotten about the life above the surface.
A little girl is looking for her kitten, Spunky, and the Rescue Rangers are on the case. The trail leads to Nimnul's laboratory, where the professor is kidnapping cats and using them to generate lightning bolts by building up a charge of static electricity in their fur.
A trio of shape-changing aliens from the planet Fleeblebrox are vacationing on Earth. When it's time to leave, one of them, Ditz, decides to remain behind by tricking Dale into switching places with him.
To bring down beloved television star Flash the Wonder Dog, Fat Cat and his henchmen dress up in his costume and perform random acts of badness. Soon, the town is buzzing with bad vibes for Flash and the studio is replacing the canine with his cockatoo sidekick. Meanwhile, Dale gets a sobering meeting with his TV hero and finds that Flash is not as brave as he thought he was in real life.