Charlotte is a Japanese anime television series produced by P.A. Works, and the second original anime series created by the visual novel brand Key following Angel Beats! in 2010. The series was created and written by Jun Maeda and directed by Yoshiyuki Asai, with music by Maeda, Hikarishuyo, and the group Anant-Garde Eyes. The characters were designed by Kanami Sekiguchi based on Na-Ga's original concepts. The series follows Yuu Otosaka, a high school boy with the power of to temporarily possess others, who is recruited into a student council tasked with helping others who have manifested superhuman abilities.
The 13-episode series aired in Japan between July 4 and September 26, 2015 on the BS11, GTV, GYT, and Tokyo MX television networks. It was simulcast by Aniplex Channel, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Daisuki, Viewster, Animax Asia, and AnimeLab. The series was released on seven Blu-ray/DVD volumes between September 23, 2015 and March 30, 2016 in Japan, with an original video animation episode included on the seventh volume. The series is licensed in North America by Aniplex of America, who released the series on two Blu-ray compilation volumes on August 16, 2016 and November 15, 2016. The series is also licensed in Australia by Madman Entertainment.
The opening theme is "Bravely You" by Lia and the ending theme is "Yakeochinai Tsubasa" (灼け落ちない翼?, "The Wings that Won't Be Burned Down") by Aoi Tada. "Rakuen Made" (楽園まで?, "To Paradise") by How-Low-Hello is used as the ending theme of episodes three and four, and "Kimi no Moji" (君の文字?, "Your Character") by Anri Kumaki is used as the ending theme of episode thirteen. Several insert theme songs by two in-story bands are also used, featuring songs sung by Maaya Uchida for the band How-Low-Hello and songs sung by Marina for the band Zhiend. For How-Low-Hello, these include: "Dancin' on the Border'" (episode one), "Singer Days" (シンガーデイズ?) (episode three), "Real" (episode four and six) and "Hatsunetsu Days" (発熱デイズ?, "Feverish Days") (episode eight). For Zhiend, these include: "Live for You" (episode two), "Clouded Sky" (episode two and five), "Fallin'" (episodes five, eight and eleven), "Heavy Rain" (episode eight), "Blood Colour", "Scar on Face", "Adore" and "Trigger" (episode nine); and "Sinking Ships" (episode thirteen).