CSI: Cyber, a CBS crime drama starring Patricia Arquette and Ted Danson, was originally introduced during a 2014 episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. The series premiered on March 4, 2015. Created by Carol Mendelsohn, Ann Donahue and Anthony E. Zuiker, and executive produced by Mendelsohn, Donahue, Zuiker, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Pam Veasey, Cyber follows the work of Mary Aiken inspired Avery Ryan, Ph.D. (Arquette), the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a former psychologist tasked with working on the dark web. She works alongside D.B. Russell (Danson), a CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ex-pat, the civilian Director of Next-Gen Forensics, and a seasoned investigator. James Van Der Beek, Peter MacNicol, Shad Moss, Charley Koontz, and Hayley Kiyoko also star.
A total of 31 episodes of CSI: Cyber have aired over two seasons. On May 12, 2016, CBS canceled the series after two seasons.
The first season of CSI: Cyber is headlined by Patricia Arquette, as Special Agent Avery Ryan. James Van Der Beek, Peter MacNicol, Shad Moss, Charley Koontz, and Hayley Kiyoko also star.