Broad City is an American comedy series that premiered on January 22, 2014 on Comedy Central. The series was created by and stars Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson as two best friends who navigate everyday life in New York City.
Ilana persuades Abbi to lie to her boss about AIDS results to get out of work so that the pair can scrounge together $200 for a pop-up Lil Wayne concert. They try selling stolen office equipment and busking before taking up a Craiglist ad for two women to clean a man's apartment dressed in lingerie while he stares at them.
Abbi calls in sick to work to sign for a package for her neighbour Jeremy, but misses the delivery, while Ilana takes a temp job as a receptionist for a temp agency but soon gets distracted by working as a dog-walker.
On the day of her first art gallery show, Abbi bug-bombs her apartment, planning to stay with Ilana, but when she loses her keys, the two women are left with nowhere to shower and get ready before the show.
Abbi believes she's too much of a pushover after giving up the opportunity to lead a Soulstice class to a bald woman posing as a cancer patient, so she decides to debut the new, no-bullshit Abbi at a hipster charity party hosted by Ilana's college roommate, where the girls meet two attractive DJs.