Breadwinners is an American animated television series produced by Nickelodeon. A preview of the series, marketed as a "sneak beak", aired on February 17, 2014. The series began airing in its regular timeslot on February 22, 2014.
On May 8, 2014, it was announced that the series had been picked up for a second season of 20 episodes.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce meet a legendary being named "The Bread Maker" when they find a mysterious toaster in the bread mines. Problems arise after they start pestering the Bread Maker with nonsensical and downright "quazy" (crazy) questions.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce teach their pet frog Jelly how to fetch. Jelly accidentally fetches a monster egg that hatches. The Breadwinners take care of the baby monster until its large, angry mother comes looking for it.
After mold strikes the bread mines, the Breadwinners have to figure out how to deliver bread from an increasingly diminished supply. The only way to cure the bread of its mold is to pull out the Emerald Loaf. SwaySway and Buhdeuce learn about teamwork along the way.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce accidentally visit a scary part of the bread mines known as the Tunnel of Fear when they take Jelly to their mining job. Once inside the cursed area of the mine, the Breadwinners must face their fears and rescue Jelly.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce save Oonski the Great from a monster, and to repay them he wants to be their servant for the rest of his life.
While making a delivery to Mrs. Furfle, SwaySway decides to take a short cut through the Pondgea Triangle. Buhdeuce is convinced the place is cursed, but agrees to go after SwaySway tells him about how much bread he will get to eat along the way. While flying through the Pondgea Triangle, they accidentally hit a Poltergoose, which possesses the Rocket Van. The Breadwinners and Ketta try to figure out a way to get rid of the Poltergoose.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce meet Zoona and Roni, two female cranes who deliver pizza in a monster truck on their turf.
Swaysway and Buhdeuce tell each other the story of how they became Breadwinners while hiding from a dangerous worm monster.
Big Baby Buns' parents entrust him to the Breadwinners for the weekend, but while they're gone their baby immediately grows into a teenager, making it a pain for the Breadwinners to look out for him.
When SwaySway finds out his crush Jenny Quackles only likes bad boys, he eats a loaf of Dark Rye which makes him gothic.
SwaySway and Buhdeuce participate in a rodeo but it's more challenging than what they practiced.