Blindspot is an American crime drama television series created by Martin Gero, starring Sullivan Stapleton and Jaimie Alexander. The series was ordered by NBC on May 1, 2015, and premiered on September 21, 2015. A back nine order was given on October 9, 2015, bringing the first season to a total of 22 episodes, plus an additional episode bringing the order to 23 episodes.
On May 10, 2017, NBC renewed the series for a third season, which is set to premiere on October 27, 2017. As of May 17, 2017,[update] 45 episodes of Blindspot have aired, concluding the second season.
The episode titles for the first season of Blindspot are nonsensical phrases, with anagrams that reveal hints to the plot; the anagrams can be strung together to form a coherent paragraph. The first nine episode titles of the second season follow the same formula; the titles from the tenth episode onward are palindromes.