MediaCorp Channel 8's television series Blessings is a time-travelling drama series produced by MediaCorp Singapore in 2014. The series tells a story of a pastry-maker in 1948 who accidentally time-travelled to 2014 Singapore and helps to salvage the family business back on the right track, and finds love in the modern world.
As of 19 August 2014, all 20 episodes of Blessings have been aired on MediaCorp Channel 8.
"Xi Ji" is a traditional Teochew pastry shop run by the fourth generation of Lians, Daxi (Chen Hanwei) and Shuangxi (Yao Wenlong). Daxi is in charge of baking, while Shuangxi manages marketing and sales. Business has dwindled over the years and they are in debt. Daxi is overjoyed when Shuangxi clinches a deal to prepare 1000 gift boxes of pastries for Teochew boss, Mr Cai.