Black Butler is an anime series adapted from the manga series of the same title by Yana Toboso. Directed by Toshiya Shinohara and produced by A-1 Pictures, Black Butler follows the adventures of Sebastian Michaelis, a demon butler who is obligated to serve Ciel Phantomhive, the thirteen-year-old (13 years old as of chapter 14) head of the Phantomhive noble family, due to a contract he made with Ciel. The episodes started airing on October 3, 2008, on Mainichi Broadcasting System and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. Other stations that aired the episodes at later dates include Hokkaido Broadcasting, Kumamoto Asahi Broadcasting, RCC Broadcasting, Shizuoka Broadcasting System, Tokyo Broadcasting System, and Animax. The anime adaptation of the manga was confirmed on July 11, 2008 by Gakken's Animedia magazine, and the official website of the anime began to stream a trailer of the anime on July 26, 2008. Two DVD compilations are planned for release by Aniplex; the first compilation is to be released on January 21, 2009 and the second on February 25, 2009.
Three pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: one opening theme and two closing themes. The opening theme is "Monochrome no Kiss" (though written as Monochrome Kiss) by the Japanese rock band Sid, while the first ending theme is "I'm Alive!" by the American singer Rebecca Hollcraft, commonly known as Becca. The second ending, which began airing with episode 14, is "Lacrimosa" by Kalafina. Two singles containing the theme music and other tracks have been released; the single containing tracks from Sid was released on October 29, 2008 and the single from Becca was released on October 22, 2008. The third single containing tracks from Kalafina has a release date of March 4, 2009.