Best Friends Whenever is an American sitcom created by Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas that premiered on Disney Channel on June 26, 2015. The series stars Landry Bender, Lauren Taylor, Gus Kamp, Ricky Garcia, Benjamin Cole Royer, and Matthew Lewis Royer.
Two best friends, Shelby (Lauren Taylor) and Cyd (Landry Bender), mess around in their friend Barry's lab and end up getting powers to time travel. They use the ability by thinking about what time they want to go to and hugging or high fiving each other. The two soon jump to the future, and find that they are strapped to tables in what they call "The Future Lab".
When Shelby and Cyd have to study for a big history test, they accidentally jump forward to the test. The two try to focus on not touching each other, and they soon get frustrated. Cyd suggests jumping forward and stealing a test to use "as a study guide". The two do so, but Shelby starts feeling very guilty.
When Cyd's dog Diesel gets into Cyd's laundry, he finds Cyd's favorite food: a pizza-slam-rito, which were banned by the health board in 7th grade. Cyd suggests that they jump back and get one. Shelby tries to talk her out of it, but Cyd can't be swayed. When Shelby "gives up", the two try to jump back to 7th grade, but their powers aren't working. When they go to Berry, Shelby reveals that she was "jamming their jump" because she didn't want to go. Cyd, refusing to give up, tries to surprise Shelby so they will jump. Eventually, she does so, and the past reveals a secret that hurts Cyd.
Shelby's science teacher Mr. Doyle pairs her up with a student called The Rob. When the Rob is being a jerk, Cyd trains Shelby to slam him. Shelby finally succeeds, but feels bad. Mr. Doyle, who loves the hot gossip, tells the two that the Rob wasn't always a jerk, he became a jerk when some mean girl didn't return his romantic feelings. Cyd and Shelby jump back to try to get Rob the girl, and Cyd discovers that Shelby turned him down.
Guest stars: Larry Joe Campbell as Mr. Doyle, Randy J. Goodwin as Vance Carroway, Madison Hu as Marci, Brendan Meyer as The Rob
Cyd and Shelby go back in time to help Barry meet his idol. When they make it so Barry does that, they return to find that Barry has started a rock band because his idol ridiculed his theories, causing Cyd and Shelby to correct it; however, when they return to the present again, they find that Barry is an evil genius, and they go back to see that this is because they caused something else that made Barry and Naldo not meet.