Battle Angel Alita, known in Japan as Gunnm (銃夢 Ganmu?, a portmanteau of "Gun" and "Mu" the onyomi for the Japanese kanji for "Dream"), is a manga series created by Yukito Kishiro in 1990 and originally published in Shueisha's Business Jump magazine.
The series is set in the post-apocalyptic future and focuses on Alita, a cyborg who has lost all memories and is found in a garbage heap by a cybernetics doctor who rebuilds and takes care of her. She discovers that there is one thing she remembers, the legendary cyborg martial art Panzer Kunst, which leads to her becoming a Hunter Warrior, or bounty hunter. The story traces Alita's attempts to rediscover her past and the characters whose lives she impacts on her journey. The series is continued in Battle Angel Alita: Last Order and Gunnm: Mars Chronicle.
Battle 1: Reclamation
Battle 2: Awakening
Battle 3: Values
Battle 5: Responsibility
Battle 6: Struggle
Struggle 1: Running Wild
Struggle 2: Awakening Heart
Struggle 4: Broken Hearts
Race 1: Discovery
Race 2: New Alliances
Race 4: To Kill or to Win
Race 1: Face of Evil/Touch of Cruelty
Race 2: Fight Like the Wind
Race 4: Mystery Dance
Cycle 1: Lost Sheep
Cycle 2: Melody of Redemption
Cycle 3: Laboratory
Cycle 5: Scapegoat
Cycle 6: Face the Facts
Journey 1: Judgment Day
Journey 2: Descent
Journey 4: Dog Eat Dog