Written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki, Baki the Grappler was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine from 1991 to 1999, with the chapters collected into 42 tankōbon volumes. It was republished into 15 wide-ban volumes, divided by story arc, up to 2004 and into 24 kanzenban volumes between 2007 and 2008. It was licensed for a North American release by Gutsoon! Entertainment. They published the first 46 chapters in their English-language manga anthology magazine Raijin Comics. The magazine's first issue was released on December 18, 2002, but in July 2004 it was discontinued. Four collected volumes were planned but it is unknown if they were released.
Between June 1, 1999 and November 24, 2005, a sequel simply titled Baki was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Champion and collected into 31 tankōbon volumes. It was republished into 12 wide-ban volumes, divided by arc, beginning in 2006.
A third series, again serialized in Weekly Shōnen Champion, titled Baki Hanma began on December 1, 2005 and ended on August 16, 2012. It was originally collected into 37 tankōbon volumes, and republished into 5 wide-ban volumes
Baki-Dou began in Weekly Shōnen Champion on March 20, 2014. With the chapters collected into 18 tankōbon volumes to date.