Bad Girls is a television drama series which premiered on ITV on 1 June 1999. Eight series were produced with a total of 107 episodes, including two Christmas specials which are now established as the official finales to the two latter series. The series concluded on 20 December 2006.
Note that episode titles given for the first four series did not appear on-screen during broadcast of the series, however, they did appear in magazine listings and were included on the DVD releases. Titles were not given for series five to eight.
The following is a list of Bad Girls episodes.
The first three series of Bad Girls were broadcast on Tuesdays in a 9:00pm timeslot. From the fourth series, it moved to Thursday nights at 9:00pm and remained as such until the end of the fifth series. The sixth series had a sporadic run, with the first four episodes broadcast Wednesday nights, while episode five screened the Monday following episode four. Episodes six to eight were broadcast over consecutive nights on Monday 17, Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 May 2004. After which, the series went on a two and a half month hiatus, returning with the final four episodes of the sixth series on Monday nights, with all episodes remaining in the 9:00pm timeslot. After the series six finale aired, ITV2 screened a special called "Bad Girls Most Wanted". This was a countdown of the favourite characters from the show's first six series as voted by the public. Sneak-peek footage of "Bad Girls: The Musical" was also shown, as were outtakes from the previous six series. It was presented by Jack Ellis. The series was moved to Tuesday nights in a 9:00pm timeslot for it's seventh series in 2005, with a Christmas special, which was series seven's official finale, and screened Monday 19 December 2005. The eighth and final series was broadcast on Thurdsay nights at 9:00pm, with the final episode, a Christmas special, airing Wednedsay 20 December 2006.
The list includes the most watched episodes from each series of Bad Girls
Note: * this was the highest rated episode for the entire series.