Baby Daddy is an American sitcom that premiered on Freeform (then known as ABC Family) on June 20, 2012. The sitcom stars Jean-Luc Bilodeau as Ben Wheeler, a bartender, who while moving his brother Danny Wheeler (Derek Theler) into the apartment Ben shares with best friend Tucker Dobbs (Tahj Mowry), he's surprised when Emma, a baby girl, is left on his doorstep by Angela, a girl with whom he had a one-night stand. He gets help from his mother Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman) and his close female friend Riley Perrin (Chelsea Kane) who also is in love with him.
As of May 1, 2017[update], a total of 97 episodes of Baby Daddy have aired.
On August 17, 2012, Baby Daddy was renewed for a second season, it premiered on May 29, 2013.Matt Dallas, who previously worked with Jean-Luc Bilodeau on the ABC Family series Kyle XY, appeared in a recurring role as Fitch Douglas, a love interest for Riley. Both Lacey Chabert and Grace Phipps also had recurring roles this season.Wayne Brady guest starred in the episode "There's Something Fitchy Going On".
On March 22, 2013, two months before the second season premiered, ABC Family renewed Baby Daddy for a third season. It premiered on January 15, 2014. Bruce Thomas, who previously worked with Jean-Luc Bilodeau on Kyle XY, guest starred in the episode "The Bet". Bilodeau's other Kyle XY co-star Matt Dallas reprised his role as Fitch in the episode "Lights! Camera! No Action!", Mary Hart also guest starred as herself in that episode. Other guest stars this season included Lucy Hale,David DeLuise,Phil Morris,Mark DeCarlo,Kelsey Chow and Dot Jones.