American Idol is an American singing competition television series created by Simon Fuller, produced by FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment, and distributed by FremantleMedia North America. It began airing on Fox in the United States on June 11, 2002, and ended on April 7, 2016. It started off as an addition to the Idols format based on the British series Pop Idol, and became one of the most successful shows in the history of American television. The concept of the series involves discovering recording stars from unsigned singing talents, with the winner determined by the viewers in America through telephones, Internet, and SMS text voting.
During the course of the series, 555 episodes of American Idol aired over 15 seasons.
The 121 people who made it past auditions perform and are narrowed down first to 65, then to 45.
Auditions were held in Soldier Field. 34 people made it to Hollywood.
51 contestants move on to the Hollywood round from East Rutherford, New Jersey
37 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from New Orleans, Louisiana
53 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
56 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from Nashville, Tennessee
50 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from Austin, Texas
26 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from Los Angeles, California
47 contestants move on to the Hollywood Round from San Francisco, California.