Ace of Diamond is an anime series based on the manga by Yuji Terajima serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine. The TV series was produced by Madhouse and Production I.G and began airing on October 6, 2013, on TX Network stations and later on AT-X. The episodes were simulcast in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Central and South America, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal by Crunchyroll with English and German subtitles. The series was initially planned to be 52 episodes but was extended and ended in March 2015. A second season started airing soon after on April 6, 2015 on TX Network stations and later on AT-X. Like its predecessor the episodes will be simulcast in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Central and South America, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal by Crunchyroll with English and German subtitles. The series has five openings and nine ending themes. From episodes 1-25 the opening theme is "Go EXCEED!!" by Tom-H@ck featuring Masayoshi Ōishi while the ending themes are "Seek Diamonds" by Yōko Hikasa and "Glory!" (グローリー!) by Suzuko Mimori. From episodes 26–51 the opening theme is "Perfect HERO" by Tom-H@ck featuring Masayoshi Ōishi while the ending themes are "Mirai e Tsunage" (未来へつなげ) by DŌP and "CLOUD NINE" by Ryota Ohsaka, Nobunaga Shimazaki, & Natsuki Hanae. From episodes 52–75 the opening theme is "Hashire! Mirai" (疾走れ!ミライ; Run Ahead Toward the Future!) by GLAY while the ending theme is "PROMISED FIELD" by Ryota Ohsaka, Nobunaga Shimazaki, & Natsuki Hanae. From episodes 79-88 the opening theme is "HEROES" by GLAY while the ending themes are "KIMERO!!" by OxT and "BLUE WINDING ROAD" by Ryota Ohsaka, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Natsuki Hanae, Shouta Aoi, & Yoshitsugu Matsuoka. From episodes 89-current the opening theme is "Sora ga Aozora de Aru Tame ni" (空が青空であるために lit. "For The Sky Is Blue"?) by GLAY while the ending themes are "BLOOM OF YOUTH" by OxT and "BRAND NEW BLUE" by Ryota Ohsaka featuring Masayoshi Ōishi of OxT.