Aaahh!!! Real Monsters is an American animated television series created by Gábor Csupó and Peter Gaffney, and produced by Klasky Csupo in the United States. The show focuses on three young monsters: Ickis, Oblina and Krumm, who attend an institute for monsters under a city dump to learn how to frighten humans.
Each episode is about 22–24 minutes in length. The series premiered on October 29, 1994 with "The Switching Hour". The first season concluded with the season finale "Simon Strikes Back / The Ickis Box" on January 21, 1995. The second season premiered on September 9, 1995 with "Spontaneously Combustible / Curse of Katana", and ended on December 2, 1995 with "The Five Faces of Ickis / Bigfoot, Don't Fail Me Now". The third season premiered on September 7, 1996 with "Festival of the Festering Moon / Simon's Big Score", and ended with "The Master Monster / Slumber Scare" on November 30, 1996. The fourth and final season premiered on September 13, 1997 with "Battle of the Century / A Perfect World", and ended on December 6, 1997 with the series finale "Laugh Krumm Laugh / Rookie Monsters". The Monsters made one last appearance in a 1999 crossover episode between them and Rugrats in Ghost Story (Season 6, Episode 11) (Episode 106 in series)
Ickis, Oblina and Krumm pull off a good scare in Bradley's room, only to discover that Ickis has left his all-important monster manual on the surface.