AKB0048 is a 2012 anime television series produced by Satelight based on the entertainment group, AKB48. Set in the distant future, where many planets have been put under entertainment bans, AKB0048, a group of successors to the original AKB48, travel across the galaxy to provide hope to these planets whilst fighting off the anti-entertainment force, DES. The series follows a group of understudies who train to become the next group of successors. The first season aired in Japan between April 29, 2012 and July 22, 2012. The opening theme is "Speaking About a Hope" (希望について Kibō ni Tsuite) by No Name (Mayu Watanabe, Sumire Satō, Amina Satō, Sayaka Nakaya, Sawako Hata, Mao Mita, Karen Iwata, Kumi Yagami, & Haruka Ishida) while the ending theme is "Dreams Are Forever Reborn" (夢は何度も生まれ変わる Yume wa Nando mo Umarekawaru)" by No Name. The second season aired between January 5, 2013 and March 30, 2013. The opening theme is "The Voice with No Master" (主なきその声 Aruji naki sono Koe) by No Name whilst the ending theme is "I Offer These Tears to You" (この涙を君に捧ぐ Kono Namida o Kimi ni Sasagu) The series is licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks.
In a dystopian future where music is deemed illegal, AKB0048, successors to the idol group AKB48, rebel against the government to bring music to people's hearts. In the year 0048, three thirteen-year-old girls, Nagisa Motomiya, Orine Aida and Yūka Ichijō, decide to audition to become members of AKB, although Nagisa has trouble singing due to the restrictions placed upon her by her father. As the girls hear they have passed the first round of auditions, Nagisa becomes downhearted as she would not be allowed to go. However, after hearing about Yūka's and Orine's reasons for wanting to join AKB, Nagisa decides to join Yūka and Orine and head off to the auditions.