Mediacorp Channel 8's television series 118 is a socio-drama series produced by Mediacorp Studios from 2014 to 2017. The story is set against the backdrop of a coffeeshop in Tiong Bahru, offering a light-hearted social commentary on current topics with relatable characters and incidents.
The first season aired on Mediacorp Channel 8 in Singapore from 20 October 2014 and ran until 16 October 2015 with 255 episodes. A second season with 218 episodes is slated to begin airing from 29 November 2016.
The webisodes are available on xinmsn Catchup TV and Toggle. Two webisodes are released every Saturday from 25 October 2014, and later three from 15 January 2015, until end October 2015.
Jinzhi is concerned when a customer has an asthma attack due to the haze and is affected too. She mentions how the haze has affected Granny Egg's sale by 50%. The webisode features some absurd ways to deal with the haze including taking MC from work, exercising indoors, drinking tea and wearing a mask and sunglasses to steal money.
After Yuye is nominated for the Pretty Babe magazine contest, she has been exercising vigorously for an advertisement, but that "effort" was tiny.
Shunfeng, Jinzhi, Shunshui and Yuye discuss their New Year resolutions.
Zhigao sends a pregnant lady he got into a quarrel with to the hospital when she is going into labour. The pregnant lady thanks him in the next visit.
Liang, Shunfeng and Jinzhi discuss the latest fashion trends. Shunfeng and Jinzhi get dressed back at home with hip costumes.
A customer of an apparently foreign descent patronizes 118. Shunfeng and Jinzhi communicate with the customer in poor English, with hilarious results. It was later revealed that this customer can speak Mandarin.
A sudden power outage occurred while Liang, Shanshan and Viveka are at home. They think of ways to pass time during the power outage.
Shunfeng uses dating scenes he learnt from Don't Stop Believin' and 96°C Café to date Meizhen, but they fail to work on him.
Following the events of the fire scene, Meimei and Shunfeng organise emergency evacuation exercises for all kinds of disasters.
Jinlong tenses up at word that A-pao has been acquitted. Having strived to keep Manman away from the triad, he does not want his efforts to go to waste. He asks Jizhou to stop Manman from meeting A-pao, who is her childhood friend. Meiyou accidentally spills hot laksa and scalds a young girl. The girl’s father refuses to accept Shunshui and A-niang's apology. Ke’ai intervenes and eventually persuades the man to drop the matter. Meiyou wants to quit. Convinced he is a jinx, he does not want to bring trouble upon everyone. Jinlong asks Jizhou to follow Manman and find out if she is meeting A-pao. Little does Jizhou expect her to go into a lingerie store.