¡Mucha Lucha! is a Canadian/American animated television series created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin for Kids' WB. The series ran for 3 seasons totaling 52 episodes. Also produced was a straight-to-video movie titled ¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico.
Note: "Back to School" was originally planned to be the pilot episode and was originally intended to be shown with, "How Rikochet Got His Move Back", but ended up being paired with "Heart of Lucha" (while "Back to School" is shown with "Weight Gaining") for reasons unknown. Several episodes from this season were adapted into children's storybooks, most of them being given titles different from the episodes themselves.
Back to School: Rikochet gets into trouble at the first day of school and has to take on Potato Potata Jr. one-on-one.
How Rikochet Got His Move Back: Rikochet has to find his signature move or else he'll get expelled from school.
Woulda Coulda Hasbeena: When Ricochet accidentally tears open a portal in time, Senor Hasbeena uses it to travel back to 1972 and erase an embarrassing moment in his life, unaware of the risks of altering the timeline.
The Fantastic Backpack : Three bullies from the Hairy Knuckles Wrestling Academy get sucked into Rikochet's backpack. Now he, El Rey, Buena Girl and The Flea have to get them out.
The Curse of the Masked Toilet: The Flea, Pulgita, Rikochet, Masked Dog and Buena Girl battle a mutant masked toilet in a scary story told by The Flea.
Bring Your Dad to Lucha Day: The dads and their children fight for the Lucha Prize.
Tooth or Dare: Dr. Smilytooth is missing and it's up to The Mascaritas to save the day.
Flea's Fighting Fish: The Flea reunites with his fish, who is pretty unhappy after he got flushed in the toilet by mistake. So they battle it out with Rikochet, Buena Girl, an octopus, and an electric eel taking part in the match!
Will the Real El Rey Please Stand Up?: Rikochet gets a chance to see the real El Rey at the Lucha Dome which upsets his El Rey action figure.
Pinball Wizard: Rikochet is frozen to the shape of a pinball and finds life more difficult until he meets a soccer player who was frozen to the shape of a soccer ball a decade ago!
Honor Thy Lucha: Rikochet discovers the consequences of stealing a trading card courtesy of Phantasmo.
Timmy of 1,000 Masks: When Buena Girl and a few other students are expelled from the school, she must prove that she is innocent and she does when The Mascaritas capture the real culprit, Timmy Of A Thousand Masks!