linus is an Italian comics magazine published in Italy since 1965. It is the first Italian magazine exclusively focused on comics. During a period of crisis, the magazine was not published in May and June 2013, but returned in July, published by Baldini & Castoldi.
The first number of linus was published in April 1965 by Milano Libri, a subsidiary of Rizzoli, and was later published by Baldini & Castoldi in monthly issues until April 2013. Its founder was Giovanni Gandini. The magazine's name was always written in lowercase letters. It had a sister magazine, Alter, which was also a comics magazine. Both magazines had a leftist cultural stance and their editorials supported for the Italian Communist Party.
The first director of linus was Giovanni Gandini. The magazine published foreign comic strips like Peanuts, Popeye, Li'l Abner, Bristow, Dick Tracy, and others. linus was also the place where Italian comics found space for the first time: examples include Neutron/Valentina by Guido Crepax and Girighiz by Enzo Lunari. It was the first Italian comics magazine which featured stories read by adults.
From the magazine's beginning, the comics section was accompanied by an extensive section dealing with society, politics, mass media, literature and other cultural themes. The first issue, for example, featured an interview by Umberto Eco with the novelist Elio Vittorini. Satirical strips by famous Italian authors like Altan, Alfredo Chiappori, Sergio Staino, Ellekappa, Angese, Vauro, Bruno D'Alfonso and by foreigners like Jules Feiffer were regularly published. Gandini was followed in 1972 by the intellectual, journalist, and writer Oreste del Buono.