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Lietuvos ūkininkas

Lietuvos ūkininkas (literally: Lithuanian farmer) was a weekly Lithuanian-language newspaper published between 1905 and 1940. It was published by and reflected the political views of the Lithuanian Democratic Party, Peasant Union, and Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union. Its printing and daily operations were managed by its long-time publisher Felicija Bortkevičienė. It was a liberal publication geared towards the wider audience of less educated farmers and peasants. In 1933, its circulation was 15,000 copies. When Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940, the newspaper was nationalized and replaced by Valstiečių laikraštis.

Aster the end of the Lithuanian press ban in 1904, Jonas Vileišis started organizing a replacement publication for Ūkininkas, monthly newspaper published in East Prussia. The first issue appeared in Vilnius on 14 December 1905, after the Great Seimas of Vilnius. The first two issues were edited by Povilas Višinskis (though Antanas Smetona signed as the editor) and reflected strong revolutionary ideas (see the Russian Revolution of 1905). The Lithuanian Democratic Party (LDP) was afraid that Tsarist authorities would ban the newspaper and agreed to soften its tone. Višinskis was replaced by Smetona. At the same time it became apparent that LDP did not have enough funds to support the newspaper and Smetona suggested transferring the publication to a private entity. This plan was vehemently opposed by Felicija Bortkevičienė who agreed to take over the publishing and support the newspaper financially from her own funds.

