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Liberty Party (Liberia)

The Liberty Party (LP) is a political party in Liberia. It fielded candidates in the 11 October 2005 elections.

LP candidate Charles Brumskine placed third in the presidential poll, winning 13.9% of the vote. The party won three seats in the Senate and nine in the House of Representatives.

In October 2010, the Liberty Party agreed to create a coalition with the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), the largest party in the Legislature. The deal would have seen the two parties field a single list of candidates in the 2011 legislative elections and a single ticket for the 2011 presidential election made up of Brumskine and the CDC's standard-bearer, George Weah. However, this deal ultimately fell apart, and the Liberty Party announced in February 2011 that Senator Franklin Siakor had been chosen as Brumskine's running mate for the election.

