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Liam Mac Cóil

Liam Mac Cóil is an Irish language novelist, a critic, and an essayist.

Born in Dublin in 1952, Liam Mac Cóil lives in the Gaeltacht of Ráth Cairn, County Meath. He has written six novels, An Dochtúir Áthas (Doctor Joy), An Claíomh Solais (The Sword of Light), Fontenoy and An Litir (The Letter), as well as a writer's journal, Nótaí ón Lár (Notes from the Centre), all published by Leabhar Breac. As of February 2013, Mac Cóil has stated that a sequel to An Litir is in the works. He is co-editor of the literary annual Bliainiris, and director of the publishing house, Carbad. He published a work of personal reflections on the composer Charles Villiers Stanford called An Chláirseach agus an Choróin in 2010 . A further novel An Litir was published in 2011. In 2014 a follow on novel to An Litir, called I dTír Stráinséartha was published. He published a new novel An Choill in 2016. He has had work published in Comhar, Feasta and Aimsir Óg.

