Leo Eitinger (12 December 1912 – 15 October 1996) was a Holocaust survivor and Norwegian psychiatrist who studied the late-onset psychological trauma experienced by people who went through separation and psychological pain early in life only to show traumatic experience decades later. He devoted a long period studying late-onset psychological trauma amongst Holocaust survivors, leading Holocaust survivors such as Paul Celan, Primo Levi and many others to commit suicide several decades after the experience.
Leo Eitinger was born in Lomnice, Moravia, at that time a town in the Austrian-Hungarian empire; currently the capital of Jihomoravský kraj and belonging to the Czech Republic. He studied medicine at the Masaryk University of Brno, graduated in 1937, and was drafted as an officer into the Czechoslovak Air Force. In 1939 he fled Nazi persecution of Jews and came to Norway as a refugee with the help of Nansenhjelpen. Upon arriving in Norway, he arranged for Jewish children to escape from Czechoslovakia to settle in the Jewish orphanage in Oslo. He was given permission to work as a resident in psychiatry in Norway in Bodø, but the permission was revoked by the Nazis after they invaded the country in 1940.
He stayed underground from January 1941 until he was arrested in March 1942. He was imprisoned in various places throughout Norway and was deported on the ship Gotenland on 24 February 1943, arriving by train via Berlin at the concentration camp at Auschwitz (where the number 105268 was tattoed on his arm) and was later moved to Buchenwald. Of the 762 Jews deported from Norway to German concentration camps, only 23 survived - Leo Eitinger was one of them. After returning to Norway he specialised in psychiatry.