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Leghs of Lyme

Leghs of Lyme
Family name
Region of origin Cheshire
Language(s) of origin English

The Leghs of Lyme are a family who owned Lyme Park in Cheshire, England, from 1398 to 1946, when the house and estate were given to the National Trust. In the early days of the family there were variations of both the surname, and the usually given forename. Variations of the surname include de Legh, a Lee, Leghe and Leyghe, and the given name as Piers, Peers, and Peter. In 1397 the first Sir Piers Legh was granted the family coat of arms by Richard II.

In order to distinguish between the earlier generations, the convention of adding a Roman numeral to the name was often used. In this case the numbering system used in the National Trust Handbook for Lyme Park has been followed.

