Three years after the second season of Batman: The Animated Series ended production, the show was moved from Fox to The WB network, which was airing and producing Superman: The Animated Series. These shows were merged as part of an hour-long segment called The New Batman/Superman Adventures. The WB wanted more episodes of Batman, so 25 new episodes were produced, which featured a different format and more focus on Batman's supporting cast.
In addition to the network's demands, the producers decided to make the show match the graphic style of Superman, so all the characters and objects were redesigned as more "animation friendly" with fewer lines, usually referred to by the fans and creative staff as the "revamp" (or alternately, the "new look"). A similar graphic style was used in the rest of the DCAU later on.
The DVD box set of the series is labeled Batman: The Animated Series – Volume Four (from The New Batman Adventures), most likely to establish the connection with the original series.
Three holiday-themed vignettes:
(1) Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn kidnap Bruce Wayne and use his credit cards for a shopping spree.
(2) While shopping for a gift for her father, Barbara Gordon spots a group of shoplifters that turn out to be portions of Clayface.
(3) Batman and Robin race to stop the Joker from killing the crowd at the Gotham City New Year Celebration.
Note: This episode takes place after the episodes "Sins of the Father", which introduces Tim Drake, and "Growing Pains", which brings Clayface back after his apparent death in "Mudslide".
Young orphan Tim Drake becomes Batman's new ward when he becomes involved in one of Two-Face's deadly plots.
Arnold Wesker is released from Arkham, completely free of his Scarface persona. But Scarface's old gang, needing their old boss back, begin working to drive Wesker back to his old ways.
In an effort to further distance himself from Batman, Nightwing tries to go it alone to stop a smuggling ring and gets unexpected help from the seductive Catwoman, who attempts a somewhat sensual relationship with him.