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Leftist tree

In computer science, a leftist tree or leftist heap is a priority queue implemented with a variant of a binary heap. Every node has an s-value which is the distance to the nearest leaf. In contrast to a binary heap, a leftist tree attempts to be very unbalanced. In addition to the heap property, leftist trees are maintained so the right descendant of each node has the lower s-value.

The height-biased leftist tree was invented by Clark Allan Crane. The name comes from the fact that the left subtree is usually taller than the right subtree.

When inserting a new node into a tree, a new one-node tree is created and merged into the existing tree. To delete a minimum item, we remove the root and the left and right sub-trees are then merged. Both these operations take O(log n) time. For insertions, this is slower than binomial heaps which support insertion in amortized constant time, O(1) and O(log n) worst-case.

Leftist trees are advantageous because of their ability to merge quickly, compared to binary heaps which take Θ(n). In almost all cases, the merging of skew heaps has better performance. However merging leftist heaps has worst-case O(log n) complexity while merging skew heaps has only amortized O(log n) complexity.

The usual leftist tree is a height-biased leftist tree. However, other biases can exist, such as in the weight-biased leftist tree.

The s-value (or rank) of a node is the distance from that node to the nearest leaf of the extended binary representation of the tree. The extended representation (not shown) fills out the tree so that each node has 2 children (adding a total of 5 leaves here). The minimum distance to these leaves are marked in the diagram. Thus s-value of 4 is 2, since the closest leaf is that of 8 --if 8 were extended. The s-value of 5 is 1 since its extended representation would have one leaf itself.

Merging two nodes together depends on whether the tree is a min or max height biased leftist tree. For a min height biased leftist tree, set the higher valued node as the right child of the lower valued node. If the lower valued node already has a right child, then merge the higher valued node with the sub-tree rooted by the right child of the lower valued node.

