The League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA) is an organization of revolutionaries in the United States formed with the stated goal of "educating revolutionaries and winning them over to a cooperative communist resolution to the problems faced in the economy and society." (Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America) The League was founded in 1993. Its roots go back into the communist movements of the early 20th century. Nelson Peery, who was instrumental in its founding, had been a member of the Communist Party USA but left the Party in 1958. He was part of a Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute a Marxist Leninist Party (POC), which felt the Communist Party USA was supporting revisionism in the Soviet Union.
The activists around Nelson Peery formed the California Communist League in 1968 and shortly began publishing its newspaper "The Peoples Tribune." The organization attracted some activists involved in the Chicano Moritorium and expanded its press to include the "Tribuno del Pueblo." Max Elbaum's "Revolution In the Air" states the following on page 103: "The POC quickly went through a series of damaging splits and by the mid-1960s had lost most of its initial few hundred members. Peery, a charismatic African American who had stuck with the group through many twists and turns and had succeeded in building a small base in South Central Los Angeles, was expelled in 1967. A year later he led formation of the CCL."
With expansion to other cities, the CCL changed its name to the Communist League. According to the book "Detroit, I Do Mind Dying" by Dan Georgakas and Marvin Surkin, the split within the Detroit-based League of Revolutionary Black Workers became public on June 12, 1971. "By the first of the year, those who remained in the League were making plans to affiliate what was left of the organization with a group called the Communist League. The League of Revolutionary Black Workers had become history." (page 164).
With the merging of the Communist League and a section of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, the Communist League acquired a large grouping of black industrial workers familiar with the writings of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. Elbaum speculates that the Communist League may have had more blacks, Chicanos and women in its leadership than perhaps any communist group in American history. (page 103)